Learn Python Operators with Examples in 2023

How Many Python Operators are these Operators in Python

Python Operator: Python, an operator, is a symbol that performs a specific operation on one or more operands (values or variables). For example, the addition operator + adds two numbers, and the multiplication operator * multiplies two numbers. Here are some examples of operators and their corresponding operations.

1. Arithmetic operators

2. Comparison operators

3. Assignment operators

4. Logical operators

5. Identity operators

6. Membership operators

7. Bitwise operators

1. Addition(+)

2. Subtraction(-)

3. Multiplication(*)

4. Division(/)

5. Modulus (remainder after division)(%)

6. Exponentiation(**)

7. Floor division (division that results in an integer)(//)

What are the 7 Python operator

    What are arithmetic operators in Python Class 11?

    1. Arithmetic operators: These operators perform mathematical operations on numerical values (e.g., +, -, *, /).

    1. Addition(+)

    2. Subtraction(-)

    3. Multiplication(*)

    4. Division(/)

    5. Modulus(%)

    6. Exponentiation(**)

    7. Floor Division(//)

    Arithmetic Operator in Python Example

    >>> 2 + 3  # addition

    >>> 5 - 2  # subtraction

    >>> 2 * 3  # multiplication

    >>> 5 / 2  # division (returns a float value)

    >>> 5 % 2  # modulus (returns the remainder after division)

    >>> 2 ** 3  # exponentiation

    >>> 5 // 2  # floor division (returns an integer value)









    Note: Division operator / always returns a float value, even if both operands are integers. To perform division that results in an integer, you can use the floor division operator //.

    Comparison operators in Python Definition

    2. Comparison operators: These operators compare two values and return a Boolean value (True or False) depending on the comparison (e.g., ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=).

    1. equal to(==)

    2. not equal to(!=)

    3. less than(<)

    4. greater than(>)

    5. less than or equal to(<=)

    6. greater than or equal to(>=)

    Comparison Operator Example in Python

    >>> 2 == 2  # equal to

    >>> 2 != 2  # not equal to

    >>> 2 < 5  # less than

    >>> 5 > 2  # greater than

    >>> 2 <= 2  # less than or equal to

    >>> 5 >= 2  # greater than or equal to








    Note: Comparison operators return a Boolean value, which can be used in conditional statements or other logical operations.

    Assignment operators in Python Definition

    3. Assignment operators: Assignment operators to assign a value to a variable. The most basic assignment operator is the equal sign =, which assigns the value on the right side of the operator to the variable on the left side.

    1. +=: adds the right operand to the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    2. -=: subtracts the right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    3. *=: multiplies the left operand by the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    4. /=: divides the left operand by the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    5. %=: calculates the modulus of the left operand by the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    6. **=: calculates the exponent of the left operand by the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    7. //=: performs floor division of the left operand by the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    Assignment Operators in Python Example

    >>> x = 5

    >>> x += 2  # equivalent to x = x + 2

    >>> x

    >>> y = 10

    >>> y -= 3  # equivalent to y = y - 3

    >>> y

    >>> z = 3

    >>> z *= 4  # equivalent to z = z * 4

    >>> z

    >>> a = 8

    >>> a /= 2  # equivalent to a = a / 2

    >>> a

    >>> b = 7

    >>> b %= 3  # equivalent to b = b % 3

    >>> b

    >>> c = 2

    >>> c **= 3  # equivalent to c = c ** 3

    >>> c

    >>> d = 9

    >>> d //= 4  # equivalent to d = d // 4

    >>> d









    What are Logical operators in Python

    4. Logical operators: In Python, you can use logical operators to combine the results of multiple comparisons or to negate a comparison. There are three logical operators in Python: and, or, and not.

    1. The and operator returns True if both of its operands are True, and False otherwise.

    2. The or operator returns True if either of its operands is True, and False otherwise.

    3. The not operator returns the opposite of its operand (i.e., True becomes False and False becomes True).

    Logical Operators Example in Python

    >>> True and True  # both operands are True

    >>> True and False  # one operand is False

    >>> False and False  # both operands are False

    >>> True or True  # both operands are True

    >>> True or False  # one operand is True

    >>> False or False  # both operands are False

    >>> not True  # negate True

    >>> not False  # negate False










    >>> x = 5

    >>> y = 10

    >>> z = 15

    >>> (x > 2) and (y < 20)  # both comparisons are True

    >>> (x > 2) and (y > 20)  # one comparison is False

    >>> (x < 2) or (z > 10)  # one comparison is True

    >>> (x < 2) or (z < 10)  # both comparisons are False


    Explain identity Operator in Python

    5. Identity operators: In Python, you can use identity operators to determine whether two variables refer to the same object. There are two identity operators in Python: is and is not.

    1. The is operator returns True if the operands are the same object, and False otherwise.

    2. The is not operator returns True if the operands are not the same object, and False otherwise.

    identity operator in python example

    >>> x = [1, 2, 3]

    >>> y = [1, 2, 3]

    >>> z = x

    >>> x is y  # different objects

    >>> x is z  # same object

    >>> x is not y  # different objects

    >>> x is not z  # same object


    Membership Operators in Python with Example Program

    6. Membership operators: In Python, you can use membership operators to test whether a value is a member of a sequence (such as a list, tuple, or string) or a set. There are two membership operators in Python: in and not in.

    1. The in operator returns True if the left operand is a member of the right operand, and False otherwise.

    2. The not in operator returns True if the left operand is not a member of the right operand, and False otherwise.

    What are membership operators in Python, to give examples?

    >>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    >>> 1 in numbers  # 1 is a member of the list

    >>> 6 in numbers  # 6 is not a member of the list

    >>> 1 not in numbers  # 1 is a member of the list

    >>> 6 not in numbers  # 6 is not a member of the list


    How many types of bitwise operators are there?

    7. Bitwise operators: In Python, you can use bitwise operators to perform operations on the individual bits of an integer value. Bitwise operators are used to manipulate individual bits in a value and are often used in low-level programming and network communication. There are several bitwise operators in Python:
    1. &: bitwise AND
    2. |: bitwise OR
    3. ^: bitwise XOR (exclusive OR)
    4. ~: bitwise NOT
    5. <<: left shift
    6. >>: right shift

    Python Bitwise Operators Examples

    >>> x = 10 

    >>> y = 12 

    >>> x & y  # bitwise AND

    >>> x | y  # bitwise OR

    >>> x ^ y  # bitwise XOR

    >>> ~x  # bitwise NOT

    >>> x << 2  # left shift

    >>> y >> 2  # right shift


    Note: bitwise operators perform the operation on each bit of the operands and return a new integer value.
    It's also worth noting that the bitwise operators only work with integers and cannot be used with other types of data. If you try to use them with other types of objects, you will get an error.

    What are the 4 types of function in python

    There are four types of functions in Python:

    Built-in functions: These are functions that are built into Python and can be used without importing any additional libraries. Examples include len(), print(), and range().

    User-defined functions: These are functions that are defined by the user in their own code. They can be defined using the def keyword, and can accept arguments and return values.

    Anonymous functions: These are functions that are defined without a name, using the lambda keyword. They are often used as a way to define simple functions quickly and easily, without the need to define a full function using the def keyword.

    Method functions: These are functions that are associated with a particular object or class. They are defined inside a class definition and are called on an instance of the class.
    It's important to note that these are just some of the types of functions available in Python. There are many other ways to create and use functions in Python, and different programming tasks may require different types of functions.

    What are the 6 data types in python

    Numbers: This includes integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.

    Strings: This is a sequence of characters, represented using single or double quotes.

    Lists: This is an ordered collection of items, which can be of any data type. Lists are created using square brackets.

    Tuples: This is an ordered collection of items, similar to a list, but it is immutable (i.e., it cannot be modified once created). Tuples are created using parentheses.

    Sets: This is an unordered collection of unique items. Sets are created using curly braces.

    Dictionaries: This is a collection of key-value pairs. Dictionaries are created using curly braces, with the keys and values separated by a colon.

    FAQ Questions in Python Operators

    Q.1 What is == and != in Python?

    Ans: The == operator is used to test for equality. It checks if the values of two operands are equal, and if they are, it returns True. If the values are not equal, it returns False.

    Q.2 What is &= in Python?

    Ans: The &= operator is the assignment operator for the bitwise AND operation. It performs a bitwise AND operation on two operands and assigns the result to the left operand.

    The bitwise AND operation compares each bit of the first operand to the corresponding bit of the second operand. If both bits are 1, the corresponding result bit is set to 1. If either bit is 0, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.

    Q.3 What is += in Python?

    Ans: The += operator is the assignment operator for the addition operation. It adds the value of the right operand to the value of the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

    Q.4 What is and %% in Python?

    Ans: The and operator is a logical operator that is used to test whether two expressions are both True. If both expressions are True, it returns True, otherwise it returns False.

    Q.5 Why %d is used in Python?

    Ans: %d format specifier is used to format a number as an integer in a string. It is used in conjunction with the % operator, which is the string formatting operator in Python.

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