Java Introduction for Beginners| History| Application| Features

Java introduction for Beginners 

Java Introduction: Java language is a general purpose high-level pure object-oriented programming language. java language developed by James Gosling in 1995 java language development, Sun Microsystem.

Java language is a high-level programming language developed in Sun Microsystem and Java, released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as window, Mac Operating System. 

Java language, easy to use and simple syntax, it is very most and useful programming language. 

Java Introduction for Beginners| History| Application| Features in java

    Brief History of Java Programming Language

    History of Java: Java Language is a James Gosling developed java project in June 1991 for use in one of his many set-top box projects. Java Language first name is OAK, after an oak tree that stood outside Gosling office.

    java language Sun, Microsoft, released the first public implementation of java 1.0 in 1995.

    java program can be to Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA). java on 13 November 2006 released much of java as free and open source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

    Java language on 8 May 2007 finished the process making all the java core code free and open-source aside from a small portion of code to which Sun Microsoft.

    Java Program Run Tools will Need

    java program for performing the example discussed in this course, you will need a Pentium 200-MHz computer with a minimum of 64 MB of RAM 128 of need.

    • Linux 7.1 or Window 8.1/10/11 operating system.
    • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
    • Microsoft notepad text Editor
    • java IDE use for java program.
    Java IDE Community Version Download: Click Here

    Features of java programming Language

    Simple: Java language is a very simple and easy to learn.

    Platform Independent: Java language is a platform independent because a java program can be run on different kind of platform like Window Operating System, Linux Operating System.

    Java Object-Oriented: Java language support object-oriented programming language. like Abstraction, Inheritance Encapsulation and Polymorphism feature support.

    Security: Java Language is a secure language as compare to other programming language.

    Flexible: Java application developed in java can be modified as per user requirement, so it is called the java language is flexible programming language.

    Portable: A Java program written in one system can be run in any other system. In simple, a java program can be transferred from one system to another system.

    Multithreading: Java Language we can perform more than one task simultaneously, so it is called multithreading.

    Robust:  Java language is robust, which means reliable. The main features of java that make it robust are garbage collection, Exception Handling, and memory allocation.

    High Performance: Java language is faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages, because java byte code is "close" to native code.

    Distributed: java is a distributed because it facilitates users to create distributed applications in java. This feature of java makes us able to access files by calling the method from any machine on the internet.

    Learn Python Language

    Why java is Better than other Languages

    1. Java language used to develop window base Application.

    2. Java language used to develop Android/Mobile Application.

    3. Java language, used to develop Embedded System for Sim card and Television.

    4. Java language used to develop Scientific Application for MATLAB.

    5. Java language used to develop Game Database Connectivity.

    Why Use Java Language

    1. java Language is a very simple and easy programming language.

    2. Java language is a very powerful, fast and secure programming language.

    3. Java Language is an Open Source programming language.

    What are the main parts of Java?

    1. Java Virtual Machine(JVM): JVM is the common name for this. A program's execution is divided into three stages. The program is written, compiled, and executed. The byte code produced by the compiler is executed by JVM during the executing phase of a program.

    2. The use of byte code during development: As previously mentioned, the Javac compiler of JDK compiles the Java source code into byte code so that it can be run by JVM. The compiler saves it as a class file. A disassembly like Java can be used to see the byte code.

    3. Java Development Kit (JDK): When we first learned about byte code and JVM, we used the phrase JDK. Therefore, as implied by the name, it is a full Java development kit that comes with everything such as a compiler, Java Runtime Environment (JRE), java debuggers, java manuals, etc. We need to install JDK on our computer in order to write, compile, and run the java program for it to work.

    4. JDK comprises the Java Runtime Environment (JRE): The java program can execute on our PCs thanks to the JRE installation, but we are unable to build it. A browser, JVM, applet support, and plugins are all included with JRE. JRE is necessary for a computer to run the Java program.

    Environment Setup in Java Language

    There are two-step to set up the environment in Java

    Window 8

    Step 1: Copy the JDK Path

    Go to C Drive

    click on Program Files(x86)/Program Files

    click on java

    click on JDK

    click on bin

    Now copy the URL, It looks like this

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin

    Step 2: Set up the environment variable

    1. From desktop, right-click on the Computer icon.

    2. Choose Properties

    3. Click the Advanced system settings

    4. Click Environment Variables

    5. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.

    6. Now in next window there are two section Variable Name and Variable Value now in Variable Name put PATH and in Variable Value paste the copied URL in the Step 1 and add semicolon in the last then click ok.

    Now open command prompt window and run java code

    Window 10

    Step 1: Copy the JDK Path

    Go to C Drive

    click on Program Files(x86)/Program Files

    click on java

    click on JDK

    click on bin

    Now copy the URL, It looks like this

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_45

    Step 2: Set up the environment variable

    1. In Search, type control panel and open it.

    2. Choose System

    3. Click the Advanced system settings

    4. Click Environment Variables

    5. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.

    6. Now in next window there are two section Variable Name and Variable Value now in Variable Name put PATH and in Variable Value paste the copied URL in the Step 1 then click ok.

    Simple Java Programs for Beginners

    class Learncoding


     public static void main(String[] args) 


       System.out.println("Hello World"); 

       System.out.println("Welcome To Learn Coding");   




    Hello World

    Welcome To Learn Coding

    Java Program Syntax Description

    class: It is a keyword which is used to declare a class.

    Keyword:The word which is predefined in the library is called keyword. for example class, void, main etc.

    Learncoding: It is a user defined class name.

    public: It is a keyword which is called access specifier/modifier. It is used to provide accessibility of data member (variable) and member function.

    static: It is a keyword. It can be used with a variable or function or block, we will discuss it in the next chapter.

    void: It is a keyword. It indicates that there is no value is returning by the function.
    If we use any other keyword like int, float, char etc. in place of void then we will use return keyword.

    main(): It is the function which is called the entry point of any program. The execution of any program starts from the main function. If in a program, there is only one function, then it should be the main function.

    String[] args: It is an array of type String. It is also called command line argument. you can write anything in place of args

    System.out.println: It is used to print data or information on to the output screen. System.out means Standard output object. println is a method and function.

    FAQ Java language Introduction

    Q1. What is OOPs in Java?
    Ans: java Language is a support of object-oriented programming features. object-oriented features like Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation and polymorphism.

    Q2. What are the features of Java?
    Ans: simple, portable independent, object-oriented, security, Flexible, Portable, Multithreading.

    Q3. java introduction for beginners
    Ans: Java Language is a pure object-oriented programming language. java language developed by James Gosling.

    Q4. What is Polymorphism in Java?
    Ans: java polymorphism is a one name many forms, so we can say that in this type of programming, same function is used to perform different kind of operation.
    polymorphism is a part of object-oriented programming language.

    Q5. What is constructor in Java?
    Ans: Contractor is a special member of function of class that executes. When we can create object of that class. In other word, we can say that there is no need to call a constructor. it is name is same as class name. Contractor is parameter constructor and non parameter constructor.

    Conclusion Java Language

    Hello java programmer this is an introduction of java language, this article very helpful java introduction all features include in this post like history of java, features of java, application of java and more. 

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