Best|Introduction of C++ Programming Language| History-Learncoding

What is the Introduction of C++?

Introduction to C++:  C++ language is a basic high level and object-oriented programming language. It is supports object-oriented programming language. It is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is Developed at Bell Laboratory (U.S.A.). It was developed in 1979 basically it was developed to make writing good programs.

C++ programming language is a cross-platform that can be used to create high performance any C++ application.

C++ language is a gives programmer a high level control over system resources and memory management in our C++ program. 

C++ Introduction| History| Features| in Details
Best|Introduction of C++ Programming Language| History

    A Brief History of C++

    The Purpose of a programming language is too easy. C++ is not a new language, but one that is popularly programming language. As of this writing, the newest version of C++ is called C++22. It was ratified by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) and published n December 2022.

    C++ Connection of C Language

    C++ programming language is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in 1979, C++
    is successor to C language. C++ was designed to be an object-oriented programming language that implements concepts such as inheritance, Abstractions, Polymorphism and Encapsulation.
    C++ features classes that are used to contain member data and member function. C++ is a popular compiler to have continued to support C Programming Language.

    Note: Knowledge of C programming Language is not a learning of C++ language. if your goal is to learn an object-oriented programming language like C++ then you can directly.
    C++ you can do not need to learn a procedural languages like C Language.

    Features of C++ 

    C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. It is an extension of the C programming language and is considered to be an intermediate-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features.

    Some of the main features of C++ are:

    Object-oriented programming: C++ supports the concepts of classes and objects, inheritance, and polymorphism, which are the foundations of object-oriented programming.

    Templates: C++ allows the creation of templates, which are generic functions or classes that can work with different data types.

    Function overloading: C++ allows the creation of multiple functions with the same name but different parameters, a technique known as function overloading.

    Operator overloading: C++ allows the redefinition of the behavior of operators for user-defined data types.

    Memory management: C++ provides low-level access to memory through the use of pointers, which allows for greater control over the program's memory usage.

    Exception handling: C++ supports the use of try-catch blocks to handle exceptions, which are run-time errors that can occur during the execution of a program.

    Low-level access: C++ allows the manipulation of hardware resources and provides support for system-level programming, such as the creation of operating systems and drivers.

    Compatibility with C: C++ is compatible with C and can run most C programs without modification.

    Features of C++

    • Simple
    • Powerful
    • Portable
    • Machine Independent
    • Structure Oriented 
    • High Level Programming language
    • High Speed
    • High Efficiency
    • Flexible

    What C++ is used for?

    • Game Development
    • Operating Systems
    • Compilers
    • Editors
    • Database Systems
    • Networks Drivers
    • Graphics Packages
    • Interpreters

    What is oops in C++?

    C++ Programming language is a support object-oriented programming language like 
    Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Polymorphism. C++ support many features friend function, static function, and Exception and more features support in C++ programming language.

    What is new in C++ 2020

    C++ language is standard to have resulted in a language that is simple, easy to used for programming without compromising on the ability to write high performance applications.
    C++ language that is still features that are expected in the next version in 2023.

    Why Use C++ Programming Language

    C++ language is the one of the world's most popular programming language. C++ can be found in today's operating systems, C++ language use Graphical User Interfaces and Embedded system.
    C++ is an object-oriented programming language.  Which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused.

    Advantages of C++ Programming Language

    C++ language is an intermediate-level programming language. It is versatile and can be used for high-level programming language. C++ can also be used for low-level programming of libraries that work close to the hardware, such as device drivers.
    C++ is the language of choice for artificial intelligence and machine learning compilers and interpreters of other programming languages.

    Difference between C Language and C++ Language

    C++ was developed as an extension of C and both languages have almost the same syntax.
    The main difference between C Language and C++ Language is that C++ Support classes and objects.
    But C language not support object-oriented programming language.

    C++ Language Install IDE 

    An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is used to edit C++ program and compile the code.
    You can Download C++ Software: Click Here

    Syntax of C++ Programming Language



    void main()



    cout<<"Hello World";




    Hello World

    Description of First Program

    #: It is called the preprocessor. It is included the library of C++ into the program before the execution of any C++ program.

    include: C++ include the header file into the every c++ program.

    iostream: C++ is a standard input/output stream function.  It is a collection of predefined function and methods. It is also called library of C++.

    iostream: Conio is a function in C++ language. It stands for console input/output. It is used to show the output on console window.

    void: void is a keyword in C++ language. It indicates that no one value is being returned by the function. If we can use any other keyword. It is a return keyword.

    main: It is a main function in C++ language. It is the function which is called the entry point of any program, the execution of any program starts from the main function.

    clrscr: clrscr function is a stands for clear screen. It is a predefine function

    which is used to clear the output screen. It is defined in the conio.h header file. 

    cout: cout function is the most important function in C++ language. It is a keyword which is used to print data or information on to the output screen.

    getch: getch function is a predefined function in C++. Which is used to hold the output screen.

    FAQ C++ Language

    Q.1 When was C++ language introduced?
    Ans: C++ programming language is the best programming language. C++ language support is object-oriented programming language. C++ language, developed Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979.

    Q.2 C++ Program Examples



    void main()



    cout<<"Welcome To Learn Coding";




    Welcome To Learn Coding

    Q3. What is C++ and its History?
    Ans: C++ Language is developed  was ratified by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) and published n December 2022.

    Q4. Who is the founder of Dev C++?
    Ans: C++ Dev, developed by Colin Laplace and first released in 1998. It is written in Delphi. It is bundled with, and uses, the MinGW or TDM-GCC 64bit port of the GCC as its compiler. Dev-C++ can also be used in combination with Corwin or any other GCC-based compiler.

    Q5. Who is the father of Oops?
    Ans: C++ language Ops developed in Object-Oriented programming  Alan Kay, considered by some to be the father of object-oriented programming, identified the following characteristics as fundamental to OOP Kay 1993.

    C++ Language Introduction Conclusion

    Hello C++ Programmer, you can any problem in C++ program you can contact me.
    It is introduction of C++ language any suggestion.

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