Best Php Data Types in Web Technology-Learncoding

Which of the Following are the Valid PHP Data Types

Php Data Types: Data Types are a type of data which is used in the program. Php supports different types of data types. Data type are used to stored different types of data or values.

When you first start learning PHP, you will notice that it takes careof data types for you. It doesn't ask the programmer to specify the type of data that you wish to store in variables.

You can simply assign anything to it and PHP will be able to figure out what is the best way to use it.
Having said that, what do the term data types refer to? The name itself indicates, data types mean the types of data. 

Welcome to the show of data types in PHP. Data types in PHP specify the different types of data that are supported in PHP language. There are a total of eight data types supported in PHP, which can be categorized into three main categories.

Primitive Data Types are 8 Types in PHP

1. Boolean

2. Integer

3. Float

4. String

5. Array

6. Object

7. Resource

8. Null

Best Php Data Types in Web Technology
Best Php Data Types in Web Technology

How many Data types in Php

    Learn Php Boolean Data Types

    1. Boolean Data Type: A boolean data type is a scalar data type in PHP. Boolean data type is condition True and False value boolean data types are predefined data type in PHP. Boolean data type assigned value True and False.

    The boolean data type is the most common type of data in computer programming. It can only have two values, true or false, represented as 1 and 0 respectively. 

    You can treat it as a sort of switch, which is useful for conditional statements.
    If the expression evaluates to a number, which is zero, then the value of the expression is FALSE. Any other number is considered non-zero and is evaluated as TRUE.








    boolean true

    boolean false

    Learn Php Integer Data Types

    2. Integer Data Type: Integer data type is a number without decimal number is called the integer value. It is a must-have at least one digit positive or negative. It is not must have a decimal point number.
    Integer data type range value between -2147483648 and 2147483648. var_dump() is a function that returns data type and its value.

    An integer is nothing but a whole number with both positive and negative values, and is also referred to as int. Going back to your good old school days, the rank or marks you used to score can be considered as an int data type. 

    Therefore, integers as a data type are used to hold numeric values. It can come in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16, and octal (base 8) forms. It is important to mention that the largest integer which can be held by a system is 2,147,483,647.





    echo “Decimal Number:”.$decimal.”<br>”

    echo “Octal Number:”.$octal.”<br>”

    echo “Hexadecimal Number:”.$hexa.”<br>”



    Decimal Number:100

    Octal Number:163

    Hexadecimal Number:69

    Learn Php Float Data Types

    3. Float Data Types: A floating-point number is a number with a decimal point number. Float data type can be hold only decimal point number. Float data type is a store negative number or positive number. It is an at least one digit float data type must have decimal point number. 

    A float data type is something that represents a decimal or a fractional value in PHP. You can use a float to represent values that are not Cut-and-dry, like the amount of time it will take you to complete ain assignment or the miles per gallon of your car, etc.

    Floats are also used for negative numbers, large numbers with decimals, and even fractions with decimal points.



    echo “Float value:$x";



    Float value:45.6

    Learn Php String Data Types

    4. String data type: String data type is a non-numeric data type in PHP. String data type can be store sequence of character. String values must be to define enclosed either within single quotes (‘ ‘) double quotes (“ “).

    Strings are everywhere. Your chats with friends, the password input on Facebook login page, product descriptions on social sites, that's all strings. In PHP, strings are defined as sequences of characters. 

    it can consist of letters, numbers, special characters, make-up words, or sentences. Also, it is necessary to enclose string data in either single or double quotes.


    $s1=”Welcome to Learn Coding website”;

    $s2=’Welcome to Learn Coding website’;

    echo $s1.”<br>”;

    echo $s1.”<br>”;



    Welcome to Learn Coding website

    Welcome to Learn Coding website

    Scalar Data type in Php

    5. Scalar Types: These include integers, strings, booleans, and floats, which are the most used and simplest data types in PHP.

    How many Compound Data Types are available in Php

    6. Compound Types: These include arrays and objects, which are considered more complex, as they hold more Than a single value.
    1. Array
    2. Object

    Php Array:Array is a collection of data or different data type in PHP. Array data can be stored in any data type or data.







    Php Object: Php object can be used class type instance of class. instance means of variable.

    <?php class Student


    function student_data()


    echo"Welcome to Learncoding Website";



    $s=new Student;




    Welcome to Learncoding Website

    7. Special Types: This includes something called a Resource, is technically not a data type because it points to an outside reference. In simple words, it
    is a special variable that holds references to resources external to PHP. 

    It also includes NULL that holds no value at all. Don't worry if this was far more
    technical for you at this stage. Just understand the types and their categories. We shall explore them all through this course and in the advanced part as well.

    8. Php Null Data Type: Null Data type can be used to represent empty variables in Php. Null Data Type is a variable without any data. Null data type is the only possible value of type is null in Php.




    echo "<br>";

    $y="Learn Php Coding";




    FAQ Data Types in Php

    Q.1. What are PHP data types?
    Ans: Data types in Php specify the different types of data that are supported in PHP language. There are a total of eight data types supported in Php.

    Q.2. What are the 7 different data types?
    1. Scalar Data Type.
    2. Compound Data Type.
    3. Integer Data Type.
    4. Float Data Type.
    5. Boolean Data Type.
    6. String Data Type.
    7.  Array Data Type.
    8. Object Data Type.

    Q.3. Php data types with example.


    class greeting


    public $str="Good Morning";

    function show_greeting()


    return $this->str;



    $msg=new greeting;



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