Introduction to Php in Web Technology-Learncoding

Introduction to PHP Programming?

Introduction in Php: "PHP Hypertext Preprocessor" Php is Personal home page hypertext preprocessor is another name for it. It is a well-known computer language that HTML incorporates. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language, the server runs the PHP code, and the server's output is sent to the browser. Dynamic websites are created with PHP.

PHP intro: PHP scripting language is provided in the PHP course for both beginners and experts. You may simply learn PHP scripting language with the aid of our guide.

The subjects covered in this PHP lesson include introduction, control statements, functions, array, string, file handling, form handling, regular expression, date and time, object-oriented programming in PHP, math, PHP MySQL, PHP with Ajax, PHP with jQuery, and PHP with XML.

Introduction to Php in Web Technology

    What is the History of Php?

    Php History: PHP is an object-oriented, open-source, interpreted scripting language that can be run on the server. Web development works nicely with PHP. Consequently, it is utilized to create web apps (an application that executes on the server and generates the dynamic page).

    Rasmus Lerdorf developed PHP in 1994, but it didn't hit the market until 1995. The most recent version of PHP, 7.4.0, was made available on November 28.

    What are the Features of Php

    Basic: Learning PHP is quite simple and straightforward.

    Simple Syntax: When compared to other programming languages, PHP has fairly simple syntax.

    Simple Program: PHP enables programmers to create programs with a minimal number of lines.

    Platform Independent: PHP is referred to as being platform independent since PHP programs may run on a variety of platforms, including Linux OS and Windows OS.

    Object-Oriented: PHP is referred to as being object-oriented because it also supports object-oriented programming structures.

    Flexible: PHP is a programming language that may be used to create applications that can be altered to meet user needs.

    A PHP program that has been written for one system can run on any other system. A PHP software can be moved from one system to another, to put it simply.

    Open-Source: The software and source code for PHP are freely accessible online. All PHP versions can be customized to your specifications without costing you anything. Its components can all be downloaded and used without cost.

    Performance: PHP scripts run significantly more quickly than those written in other languages, such JSP and ASP. Since PHP makes use of its own memory, the demand on the server and loading time are automatically reduced, resulting in a faster processing rate and improved performance.

    Support for databases: PHP offers support for all popular databases, including MySQL, SQLite, ODBC, etc.

    Safety: PHP is a safe language to use when creating a website. It has several layers of protection to thwart malicious attacks and threads.

    Server-side: PHP is a server-side programming language that is used to control the website's dynamic content.

    Control: While other programming languages call for lengthy scripts or codes, PHP may accomplish the same task with just a few lines of code. It has complete control over the webpages, allowing for simple updates whenever you like.

    Compared: Scripting languages like ASP and JSP are slower than PHP.

    Interpreted: Since PHP is an interpreted language, compilation is not necessary.

    Application of Php 

    • Web applications are developed using it.
    • It is applied to data encryption.
    • On the server, it is used to create, open, read, and write files.
    • Email can also be sent using it.
    • Additionally, it is used to add, remove, and alter data in databases.

    Php Advantages and Disadvantages

    Nowadays, PHP is frequently used in web development. PHP makes it simple to create dynamic webpages. For web development, you must also have a working grasp of the following technologies.
    1. HTML
    2. CSS
    3. JavaScript
    4. Ajax
    5. XML and JSON
    6. jQuery

    Which is better PHP or Mern stack?

    • Numerous servers, including Apache and IIS, are supported.
    • It is really easy to understand and learn.
    • It is strong, quick, and secure.
    • It may operate on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
    • Using the MySQL database, PHP is a server-side scripting language that is used to create dynamic web applications.
    • It manages the website's database, dynamic content, and session monitoring.
    • In PHP, sessions can be made.
    • Both setting and accessing cookies are possible.
    • The data is encrypted, and validation is used.
    • Numerous protocols, including HTTP, POP3, SNMP, LDAP, IMAP, and many others are supported by PHP.
    • You may control which pages of your website a user can access using the PHP programming language.
    • The key reason PHP is the greatest language to learn is that it is simple to install and configure.
    • PHP is capable of handling forms, including collecting user data via forms, saving it to a database, and providing the user with helpful information. The registration form is an example.

    What is the Php Syntax Check


    //php code


      1. Beginning with?php and ending with?> is PHP.
        2. In the PHP file, PHP can be written anywhere.
          3. PHP files have the.php extension.
            4. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, text, and PHP code are all included in a PHP file.

            What is Php to write your first PHP Program?



              <title>Php first program</title>




            echo("Hello World");

            echo("Welcome To Php Course")

            echo("Welcome To Learn Coding Website");





            Hello World

            Welcome To Php Course

            Welcome To Learn Coding Website

            The text is shown on the output screen using 1.echo.

            Both parentheses and no parentheses may be used with this sentence.

            3. It can simultaneously print numerous strings that are separated by commas.

            4. It provides no benefit in return.

            5. Echo does not care about case.

            How to install PHP in Windows 10

            We'll advise you to install the AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) software stack in order to install PHP. It works with all operating systems. The following list of AMP choices that are readily available on the market:

            1. WAMP for Windows
            2. LAMP for Linux
            3. MAMP for Mac
            4. SAMP for Solaris
            5. FAMP for FreeBSD
            6. XAMPP (Cross, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl) for Cross Platform.

            👉 Download and Install WAMP Server: Click Here
            👉 Download and Install LAMP Server: Click Here
            👉 Download and Install MAMP Server: Click Here
            👉 Download and Install XAMPP Server: Click Here

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            We'll go over each step of installing the XAMPP server on the Windows operating system. Install the XAMPP server on your computer by doing the instructions listed below.

            Step 1: To download the XAMPP server in accordance with your window's requirements, click the provided link-up top.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 2: After downloading XAMPP, double-click on the downloaded file and allow XAMPP to make changes in your system. A window will pop up, where you have to click on the Next button.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 3: Here, select the components, which you want to install and click Next.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 4: Choose a folder where you want to install the XAMPP in your system and click Next.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 5: Click Next and move ahead.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 6: XAMPP is ready to install, so click on the Next button and install the XAMPP.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 7: A finish window will display after successful installation. Click on the Finish button.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 8: Choose your preferred language.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            Step 9: XAMPP is ready to use. Start the Apache server and MySQL and run the PHP program on the localhost.

            How to run PHP programs on XAMPP

            Step 10: If no error is shown, then XAMPP is running successfully.

            How to install XAMPP server on Windows

            FAQ Php Introduction

            Q.1 What is the Difference between echo and print?

            Ans: echo: echo can print multiple statement simultaneously.

            print: print can not print multiple statement.

            Q.2 What is the introduction of PHP?

            Ans: Php stands for hypertext preprocessor. It is an open-source server-side scripting language which is widely used for web development.

            Q.3 What is PEAR in Php?

            Ans: Pear is a framework and repository for reusable PHP components. PEAR stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository.

            Q4. What was the old name of Php?
            Ans: The old name of Php was Personal Home Page.

            Q5. Who is known as the father of Php?
            Ans: Php Father Rasmus Lerdorf.


            Hello Php web developer, you can learn PHP scripting language. Php language is very most important scripting language. you can learn in this post PHP introduction, PHP history, PHP features and more topic cover in this post.

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