What is Variable in Python and How to Create Variables in Python
Python in Variable: It is a name of storage space which is used to store data. Its value may be changed. It always contains the last value stored to it. There is no need to declare a variable in python. A variable is created by assigning a value to it.
Variable is a name which is used to refer to a memory location. Variable also known as identifier and used to hold value.
In Python, we don't need to specify the type of variable because Python is a type infer language and smart enough to get variable type.
Variable names can be a group of both letters and digits, but they have to begin with a letter or an underscore. It is recommended to use lowercase letters for variable name. and x both are two different variables.
How do you initialize a variable in Python?
An identifier is used to identify the literals used in the program. The rules to name an identifier are given below.
What are the 5 rules to declare variable name?
- The first character of the variable must be an alphabet or underscore (-).
- All the characters except the first character may be an alphabet of lower-case(a-z). upper-case (A-Z), underscore or digit (0-9).
- Identifier name must not contain any white-space, or special character (, @ #, %, &,).
- The identifier name must not be similar to any keyword defined in the language.
- Identifier names are case
- sensitive, for example my name, and MyName is not the same. Examples of valid identifiers a123, n, n_9, etc.
- Examples of invalid identifiers 1a, n%4, n 9, etc
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Best Python Variable Declaration Scope Global Keyword |Local Variables |
What is variable initialization example?
student_name="Ravi Kumar" student_rollno=202324 student_marks=95.6 |
Here, the student_name student_rollno and student_marks are the name of variables. Value of student_name is Ravi Kumar, student_rollno is 202324 and student_marks is 95.6.
Variable Type Casting(Conversion) str number to integer number in Python
n1=input("Enter first number:") n1=int(n1) n2=input("Enter second number:") n2=int(n2) print("Value of n1:",n1) print("Value of n2:",n2) print(type(n1)) print(type(n2)) **********OUTPUT********** Enter first number:34 Enter second number:67 Value of n1:34 Value of n2:67 type(int) type(int) |
Variable Type Casting(Conversion) str number to float number in Python
n1=input("Enter first number:") n1=float(n1) n2=input("Enter second number:") n2=float(n2) print("Value of n1:",n1) print("Value of n2:",n2) print(type(n1)) print(type(n2)) **********OUTPUT********** Enter first number:34.67 Enter second number:67.89 Value of n1:34.67 Value of n2:67.89 type(float) type(float) |
Printing value of a variable: We can print the value of a variable using print() function.
#creating variables in python student_name="Ravi Kumar" student_rollno=202324 student_marks=95.6 print("Student Name:", student_name) print("Student Roll:", student_rollno) print("Student Marks:", student_marks) **********OUTPUT********** Student Name: Tom Student Roll: 202324 Student Marks: 95.6 |
How do you assign a value to a variable in Python?
We can assign a single value to multiple variables using a single statement in python.
#creating variables in python a, b, c=50,60,70 print("Value of a:", a) print("Value of b:", b) print("Value of c:", c) **********OUTPUT********** Value of a: 50 Value of b: 60 Value of c: 70 |
How do you assign a single value to a multiple variable in Python?
We can also assign multiple values to multiple variables using a single statement in python.
#creating variables in python a, b, c=50,60,70 print("Value of a:", a) print("Value of b:", b) print("Value of c:", c) **********OUTPUT********** Value of a: 50 Value of b: 60 Value of c: 70 |
What are the 5 rules to declare variable name?
1. The first letter of a variable should be alphabet or underscore(_).
2. The first letter of the variable should not be a digit.
3. After the first character, it may be a combination of alphabets and digits.
4. Blank spaces are not allowed in variable name.
5. Variable name should not be a keyword.
6. Variable names are case-sensitive, for example marks and MARKS are different variables.
What is a local variable example?
Local Variable: A variable declared inside the body of the function is called a local variable. A local variable can be used only inside that function in which it is defined.
def add(): x=50 y=30 z=x+y print("Addition of z:", z) add() #This line will raise an error because x is a local variable, and it can't be accessed outside a function. print(x) **********OUTPUT********** Addition of z: 80 NameError: name 'x' is not defined |
What is global and local in Python?
Global Variable: A variable which is created outside a function is called a global variable. It can be used anywhere in the program.
#creating global variable in python x=50 y=30 def add(): print("Inside function Sum:", x+y) add() print("Outside function Sum:", x+y) **********OUTPUT********** Inside function Sum: 80 Outside function Sum:80 |
Local and Global variable with same name in python.
x=50 def add(): x=20 print("Inside function x=", x) add() print("Outside function x=", x) **********OUTPUT********** Inside function x= 20 Outside function x= 50 |
What is the use of a global keyword?
global keyword: We can't modify the value of global variable inside a function, but by using global keyword we can modify the value of global variable inside a function.
x=50 def add(): global x x=20 print("Inside function x=", x) add() print("Outside function x=", x) **********OUTPUT********** Inside function x= 20 Outside function x= 20 |
How do you create a token in Python?
Tokens: Tokens can be defined as a Punctuation mark, reserved words and each individual word in a statement.
Token is the smallest unit inside the given program. There are the following tokens in Python:
1. Keywords
2. Identifiers
3. Literals
4. Operators
How do you take user input in Python?
name=input("Enter your name:") print("Your Name is:", name) print(type(name)) **********OUTPUT********** Enter your name:Ravi Kumar Your Name is:Ravi Kumar <class 'str'=""> |
How to declare python user-input of integer value
number=input("Enter any number:") print("Type of number:", type(number)) num=int(number) print("Given Number:", num) print("Type of number:", type(num)) **********OUTPUT********** Enter any number:204 Type of number: <class 'str'=""> Given Number: 204 Type of number: <class 'int'=""> |
Integer value user-input in python language
number=int(input("Enter any number:")) print("Given Number:", number) print("Type of number:", type(number)) **********OUTPUT********** Enter any number:204 Given Number: 204 Type of number: <class 'int'=""> |
What is a float value in Python?
marks=float(input("Enter your marks:")) print("Your Marks is:", marks) print("Type of number:", type(marks)) **********OUTPUT********** Enter your marks:84.2 Your Marks is: 84.2 Type of number: <class 'float'=""> |
FAQ Variables People ask Questions
2. The first letter of the variable should not be a digit.
3. After the first character, it may be a combination of alphabets and digits.
4. Blank spaces are not allowed in variable name.